

Alpa Cosmetics was established in 1933 and has been a leading company in Israel - manufacturing, marketing and distributing global consumer goods and cosmetic brands. Facing forward, recognising that online shopping is becoming a way of living for the audience, Alpha Cosmetics decided to build a new branded E-commerce website to reach their current and future customers in a digital, efficient and welcoming way - Introducing Chozen.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy & Messaging

Alpha sells legacy products - brands that have stood the test of time and are embraced among a wide range of ages and demographics. Going into this project we knew that this new e-commerce brand identity had to reflect that. 

The decision was to position Chozen as a digital house for eternal brands. The name Chozen was selected in order to portray a message of quality and legacy that enhances the featured brands desirability. A Chozen brand is a timeless classic brand that’s cherished and honored, and will be so for years to come. The Chozen logotype is clean and strong with an underline that emphasizes a story of selection and absoluteness, while staying classy and up to date.

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Visual Identity & Logo

The Chozen logotype is clean and strong with an underline that emphasizes a story of selectionand absoluteness, while staying classy and up to date.

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The big challenge with creating wireframes for an e-commerce site like Chozen is allocating and positioning “space” for all the different elements needed for a website of this nature. To tackle this challenge we started researching using “the real-estate method”. We reviewed the international ecosystem and measured the space allocated for every element (shopping cart, categories, etc.) The results assisted us in making educated choices for the site’s blueprints. 

We first opted to solve the challenges for the PC wireframes, and only after succeeding proceeded to tackle the mobile layout.

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After figuring out the site layout we proceeded to design the website. We knew the Chozen website should receive a clean and subdued design system. This was important for two reasons:

The site’s design had to be able to house under a single roof a wide range of brands without clashing visually. The wide variety of product categories on display meant that the site needed to appeal to multiple demographics.

To support the more simple design chosen for the site, we put extra emphasis on the copywriting, creating various key messages that appear throughout the site. The messages created helped support the values that were chosen for the brand as well as elevate the design.

We then proceeded to develop the site on Wordpress.

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Wow, who's responsible for that?
Alpa Cosmetics
Brand Strategy
Dana Spiller, Evia Gerafi, Amit Levi, Lihi Weber, Tal Bar-lev, Ron Dan, Yoav Gati, Ayelet Heimann, Tomer Rotenberg, Dean Peer

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