Professional Services


EX.CO is the only content marketing platform that provides a complete solution for the authoring and distribution of engaging experiences, at scale, by offering a self-serve, end-to-end platform with proven results, and data insights for segmentation and targeting. Our work together included a complete rebranding process - from strategy & renaming to brand identity, messaging and a new website. Take a look.

Brand Strategy
Employer Branding


The EX.CO logo is a strong wordmark that refers to its form as a web platform. By using big bold letters we emphasise the fact that EX.CO is a big global brand.

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Visual Identity

The typography was given a dynamic feel that engages the audience much in the same way Ex-Co's content does.

The colours chosen for the rebranding process were based on those of the original Playbuzz and helped ease the transition into this new brand.

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The very essence of Ex-Co is the potential of maximising your engagement with content. It was important to carry out that idea visually. Every lick of ice-cream suddenly feels like engaging an iceberg. Every candle lit in your hand feels like the 4th of July. Every step you take up the stairs feels like conquering the Everest. These contrasting elements were unified with a visual glitch between them, adding to the dynamic feel. We also designed a series of iconic images to help communicate the different interactive services the company offer in an easy and intuitive way.

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These various design themes and ideas carried through to all the different elements we designed - from swag & merchandise to the company website.

We added animated elements to the websites to add an extra layer of dynamic feel, much like EX-CO adds to their interactive content.

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Wow, who's responsible for that?
Brand Strategy
Employer Branding
Evia Gerafi, Amir Gelbard, Shai Lesher, Shon Jan, Racheli Salem, Michal Keren, Yoni Kish, Shimon Cohen

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